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Friday, January 6, 2012

Back to Leadership

It's been a while since I posted anything on leadership.  I'm trying not to be forceful with it and just let my experiences guide the posts.  I was lucky enough to go to a school that did teach leadership.  We had a bunch of phrases that mean nothing to most people and when I talk about them I feel bad because I don't want people to feel I think I'm in some kind of special club, but oh well.  Some examples:  "Message to Garcia," "Plebe card," and "Damn XO."

It's the last one I want to write about today. There have been many times in my short life that I have been told to do something that I don't necessarily agree with.  The worst is when it affects people who work for me.  The "Damn XO" phrase comes from the roll of the Executive Officer (XO) and his minions (Department Heads and Division Officers).  The XO would come to me and say, "ENS Sopko, the guys on watch in the communications shack are not allowed to listen to iPODS while working on the computers."  In my head I'm thinking, "what the hell do you care if they listen to iPODS," but I say "Yes, sir."  I then go back to my guys and I have two options: 1. I can tell them the XO is a jerk and won't let them listen to iPODS when working 2.  I can say, "No iPODS when working."  From experience, go with option two.  It is hard, but your boss told you to do something and in the military that's an order.  Unless it is unlawful, you have to obey it.

To me, the main reason you take responsibility yourself is so when it is time for you to make a hard decision your guys know it's you talking.  The XO, on a navy ship at least, is the most hated guy on the ship.  He is the lawmaker and enforcer.  However, he needs support in his role.  I'm not saying lie down and let the XO walk all over you.  If you have something to say go through the proper channels and make your voice heard, knowing that it may very well get thrown directly in your face.

The smartest wife ever and I at the
Lincoln Memorial over Christmas break
The same applies to the civilian world.  If you are in charge of people and someone above you makes a decision that affects your guys and they don't like it, DO NOT make your boss the scape-goat.  It's cowardly. Especially if your input was given and your boss either took it or changed it.  There is an order to things in any organization and that's why great organizations work that way.  I'm not referring to a dictatorship.  The head guy received recommendations, but he chose to not use them.  Now you, as his subordinate and the leader of the others need to make sure his ideas are put through the organization; support him.

That's pretty much all I have for now.  On a more personal note, Shaunnah (the Wife) was accepted in to Stanfard, Harvard and Dartmouth Business Schools.  We've got a tough decision but I figure it's a win-win.  I'm very proud of her.

Have a good one,
- Jimmy

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