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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

and then there were 8.

Just wanted to give an update on selection for the LM4-.  I try not to think about the process as "selection."  I try to go out and move each boat I'm in as efficiently and powerfully as possible.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.  The cream will rise to the top in the end.

There has been a group of 13 guys here in Oklahoma City for a while and we recently found out that eight of us will be traveling to Chula Vista, CA this coming weekend until the boat is selected.

It's exciting to know that the light at the end of the tunnel is near.  Everyone in the group has gained speed and continuing to do so.  The combinations we put together are getting faster each time and the rowing as a whole is more unified.  Confidence is building within the group that we can put a fast 4- together and get the job done in May and later this summer in London.

Above is some video of the remaining 8 in an 8.

Have a good one,