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Thursday, April 26, 2012

The end... I think not

"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning.  The end is where we start from."  - T.S. Eliot

My journey to the Olympics has officially ended, and with that, my rowing career.  I was sent home in the final cut of the lightweight men's four selection camp.  I was upset, mostly disappointed that the end had come.  I left everything I had on the water and that's all I can do.  

I feel the important part is not to focus on the end of this dream, that would have ended happily or unhappily in three month anyway.  My focus is now on my new beginning.  

My brother Patrick and I with Katy Perry
before her concert at USNA!
For the first time in two years I get to live with my wife for more than two weeks at a time!  We are both elated and so eager to move on.  I'm now able to go out whenever I want and celebrate with old friends.  Family events (weddings and reunions) are now part of my schedule.  Excitement does not begin to express the emotion I have when I think about enjoying my brother's bachelor party and wedding!

So yes, I am extremely disappointed that my rowing career has ended.  However, it has allowed me to begin the next chapter earlier than expected.  The end of my rowing career is where I'm going to start from.

- Jimmy

1 comment:

  1. You're still a total rockstar, Jimmy. Best of luck in all your future adventures!
