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Monday, December 5, 2011

Good Enough and Some Video

When I was a kid and would go over to my Dad's shop and help out there was a poem on the wall of his office.  All I ever remember were two of the lines, but they go:  "My son beware of good enough, it is not made of sterling stuff."  I don't know who the author is, but it's a great line.

Whenever I'm feeling sorry for myself during a practice and want to take a stroke off I think of this.  It helps motivate me to maximize every workout and get through the end of the day.  If you guys know my Dad then you'll know he isn't into literature.  However, he found this poem and took it to heart.  I think it helped him build a successful business.

Anyway, enough ranting.  I hope you are all enjoying the holidays.  I've actually been listening to Christmas Music which may or may not be driving my roommates crazy.  I'm looking forward to the next 2 weeks of hard training and then a break in Annapolis.


- Jimmy

P.S.  The video is of Ryan Fox and me doing some power work with a bungee on the boat.

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