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Saturday, December 1, 2012

A New Beggining... December

Movember (November with a mustache) is pretty popular in the Bay Area.  At Stanford's GSB, where Shaunnah goes to school, it's taken pretty seriously and I thought it would be kind of fun to participate.  I must have forgotten how terrible my facial hair comes in, but don't worry, I remember now.

The easy part about participating as a student at the GSB is you are in a bubble.  The public does not really see you with a terrible mustache.  I, however, have to ride the train every day, go to work and ride the train back.  My sh#$%y 'stache is out in the public and sometimes, very rarely, I would not mind the thing on my lip.

The month had a number of highs and lows.  Most days I would think to myself, "You look like a creepy moron."  Then there would be brief (about 30 sec)  periods of excitement and hope!  I thought I might be able to pull the 'stache off.  Those moments were definitely  just spikes in the sentimental roller-coaster that was Movember.

Last night I held a shaving ceremony for the end of Movember.  The results are below.  I love the cause and think it is important.  However, maybe I will just donate after this year.   Shaunnah is more than happy to see the "caterpillar" die.

Happy December!

Movember - With Shaunnah unhappy in the
background, haha
Hello December!!!!