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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Going Back in Time

Training has been going really well over the past few weeks.  The volume and intensity are high and the results are showing progress.  When I'm at practice or watching video on my own I try to stay focused on that, but it's nice to think about the old days as a kid when not much was on the line and enjoy some fun stuff.  Tonight, I went to go see the new Muppets movie.

Christmas season is always great for bringing back childhood memories.  I definitely have developed what I like to call an adult switch.  I realize I am an adult and feel that I can act like one when needed.  However, sometimes I like to flip the switch and watch cartoons, horse around or do stupid stuff that I could get away with as a youngster.  Shaunnah can testify, I love cartoon movies.  Shrek is awesome.  Tonight, I really wanted to see Arthur Christmas, but chose the Muppets instead.

It was great to not think about practice, upcoming erg test or selection and veg out to some old friends.  I haven't watched the Muppets in YEARS.  I'm no spring chicken and it may have been 15+ years since my last Muppet experience, but it was great.  The movie was well written and funny.  I found myself surrounded by little kids and parents and it's always interesting to hear adults laugh when kids don't.  Some of the jokes are just above them and I love that.  I remember watching Shrek for the first time with Mike Berganski and his to daughters.  They were in middle school at the time and Mike and I laughed our butt's off.  After the movie the girls said they didn't like it nearly as much as us.  Many of the jokes in that movie came from Disney movies that the girls had not seen because they were just too young.  Mike and I, on the other hand were rolling with laughter.

Christmas is always a great time to think about opening presents as a kid, or hearing your Dad drive a four wheeler across the yard on Christmas morning.  That was one of the best Christmas presents ever!  The movies that play this time of year bring me back as well.  I downloaded the entire Charlie Brown Christmas soundtrack on itunes the other day.  That is my favorite Christmas movie.  I'll just turn it on and read or hang out.  I think my roomates are getting a little sick of it...

Well I hope all of you are enjoying the Holiday Season.  Take a minute from your busy lives and act like a kid again.

- Jimmy

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