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Friday, February 10, 2012

San Diego, German for ...

Anchor Man was a huge hit when I was in college.  Every time I enter San Diego County that movie is what first comes to mind.  After our last practice in Oklahoma City, Nick LaCava and I began the 1300 mile trek from OKC to Chula Vista.  We left on Saturday morning and arrived Sunday.

We started the trip at 5 am on Saturday and 2 - 2.5 hours later the sun was rising so I couldn't resist snapping a pic.

We got through Oklahoma and the Texas panhandle pretty quickly, despite a severe headwind that was eating up gas as if we were driving through downtown NYC.  Once we entered New Mexico the wind shifted to a nice tailwind and we finally didn't have to stop every 2.5 hours for gas.  

 I believe this picture is in New Mexico.  I wasn't really trying to get the truck in the pic, but thought is was cool once I downloaded everything.

This is Arizona on Sunday morning.  Throughout the Arizona portion of the trip I was surprised by how beautiful it was.  Texas and New Mexico were so-so, but Arizona was definitely a site for sore eyes.  Then we entered California...  

Chula Vista is gorgeous, but the eastern 200 miles of California is literally desert.  Here's a picture of some sand dunes.  There a little hard to see, but it was a pretty barren landscape. 

We arrived at the training center around 11 am PST and were pretty beat.  We had the day to recover and met Monday morning to unload the trailer and start getting the work in.  The atmosphere here is great and really forces you to remember what this is all about; fighting for medals at the Olympics.  There are more residents here than athletes.  A racoon was sniffing our dirty laundry on the patio the other night.  I don't think he found anything he liked.

Hope you enjoy the pics and have a good one.

- Jimmy

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