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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning

The Vernal Equinox has come and gone.  Winter has left us and the rains are supposed to begin.  Even more exciting is the rowing racing season has begun, to include a National Selection Regatta in pairs for us lightweights.  BUT, one thing that always needs to be done is a little spring cleaning.

As a transient, I don't necessarily have a house to clean.   My Gmail inbox however was a MESS.  I think it's important to stay organized.  Shaunnah and I have files for all of our stuff and when it comes time to find anything it takes seconds and not minutes or hours.  I try to keep my email inbox the same way.

On USS FORD, I had folder after folder of stuff in my inbox and kept it pretty neat most of the time.  Organization on the ship made my life much easier.  I have tried to implement that in to my Gmail experience, but folders are not Gmail's forte.  So, like many people, I go in waves.

The cool thing about email is I can see when the chaos began.  This time around I had over 600 emails in my inbox and they ranged from last July to yesterday!!!  I laugh as I write this, but it's kind of pathetic and not funny.  Last July was a tumultuous month.  We traveled from OKC to Princeton and then to Hanover, NH.  Our plans were never concrete and I kind of gave up on the email order.

Over the past few days I just started clicking and sorting/deleting emails and placed them where they belong.  Proudly, my inbox went 600+ to 2!  I have successfully done some spring cleaning.  Get started on yours!

- Jimmy

P.S.  The pics are from the recent NSR.  My pair partner was Anthony Fahden

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Down Time

With any job there is such thing as working too hard.  Whether you are running a division on a warship, training full time for the Olympics or operating your own company, you need to take some "me" time.

There are many different ways to do it.  When I was on the ship I would work out.  In my current "job" working out is not a great way to get away from my job, working out.  I know a certain business owner that likes to sit in tree stands, sitting quietly for hours and waiting for a deer to become vulnerable.  Each person has their own methods.

I recently went for a long walk through a canyon to a beach in La Jolla, CA.  It was beautiful and therapeutic .  The sand stone forming the canyon and at times, natural steps brought me back to Hubbard Hall, the Navy boathouse.  It is a sandstone building with intense structure and beauty.  It is amazing how hard rock, such as sandstone can so easily be carved in to.  Below are some pics:

You can see the carvings in the sandstone to the right.  Thankfully, midshipmen don't feel the need to do this to Hubbard Hall.

Have a good one.

- Jimmy