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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Down Time

With any job there is such thing as working too hard.  Whether you are running a division on a warship, training full time for the Olympics or operating your own company, you need to take some "me" time.

There are many different ways to do it.  When I was on the ship I would work out.  In my current "job" working out is not a great way to get away from my job, working out.  I know a certain business owner that likes to sit in tree stands, sitting quietly for hours and waiting for a deer to become vulnerable.  Each person has their own methods.

I recently went for a long walk through a canyon to a beach in La Jolla, CA.  It was beautiful and therapeutic .  The sand stone forming the canyon and at times, natural steps brought me back to Hubbard Hall, the Navy boathouse.  It is a sandstone building with intense structure and beauty.  It is amazing how hard rock, such as sandstone can so easily be carved in to.  Below are some pics:

You can see the carvings in the sandstone to the right.  Thankfully, midshipmen don't feel the need to do this to Hubbard Hall.

Have a good one.

- Jimmy

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