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Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Not Rowing

So this is the longest period of time I have not rowed since 2008.  Yesterday I did sit in an 8 to show some kids the difference between placing the blade WHEN you get to the catch and placing the blade AS you get to the catch.  But, that's it.  I've gone cold turkey.

Cold turkey is a tough way to go.  I've spoken to members of my family who used to smoke.  They tried many different ways to quit.  It was cold turkey that did it the best.  If I were to go out in a single three times per week I might start to think I could add a fourth day and then that would snowball into rowing six times a week and I just can't do it.

Actually, it's been nice.  I get to go out with Shaunnah whenever I want.  If we want to go out and get a drink at 9 pm we can!  Every other weekend for the past four years I was always thinking about rest and trying to do my best to be ready to rock n roll the next day.

However, I do have a lot of energy.  Those who know me, know that I'm like my Dad (post later on the scary notion of turning into your parents) and am not good at standing still.  I need something to do, something constructive.  I think sometimes it drives Shaunnah a little nuts, but I'm just getting her back, haha.

SOOOOO, I've been running.  Running a lot.  I'm not really training for anything; but I have developed a routine of working out and think it's important.  Everyone should force time into their schedule to take care of themselves.

I've also been on the job hunt pretty aggressively.  Networking, writing cover letters and refining the resume are daily adventures.  I'm new at all of it because in the Navy you don't really need a resume.  You give them your listed preferences and then they order you to go somewhere.

So basically, I'm doing my damn-est to keep busy and not go crazy.  The most comforting part is that I'm fine.  I miss rowing, a little; but I realize that rowing has never and continues to NOT define me.  My definition (whatever that is) made me a good rower, not the other way around.

Now I'm going to meet my wife for lunch.  Have a good one.

- Jimmy

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