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Monday, July 2, 2012

The Hunt

So I haven't rowed since April 13th.  For me, cold turkey is the only way to go.  I've been asked if I want to go for a row and thankfully, I've had the wherewithal to resist.  I know that one practice will turn into three per week and eventually, 11!  So, I've been hunting... JOB HUNTING.

Serious Job Hunting Face
The Navy provides it's people with NO EXPERIENCE in job hunting.  Sure, we put in preferences for where we want to go next and there is some competitiveness; but in the end we are given orders.  That's right, ordered to our next position.  Very rarely, are you interviewed.  NEVER, do you have to negotiate salary or starting date.

Sooooo, since April 13th I've been going to "school."  That's right, I'm 30 years old and I'm going to my very first job interviews, my first salary negotiations and my first real job decisions...  To be honest, it's driving me a little crazy.  I really didn't think that networking, researching companies, writing resumes and interviewing would take so much time and effort.   It's not that I mind putting in hours; but it's unexpected.

My advice:

Take your time.  Make sure you don't rush anything.  These things take more time then you would think and finding the best fit is probably not going to happen immediately.

Find leadership:  I think finding what you want to do is important; BUT finding people that will mentor you is more important.  You need to become a sponge when you begin a new chapter in career.

Trust your family:  Your family probably knows you better than you give them credit for.  Do not take this journey alone.  Take their advice, it can only help.

So I have not signed an offer for a job yet and therefore, giving advice may be a little premature; but listen to it if you want.  Remember, you should not blindly follow any advice.   Trust; but analyze and curtail it to your own situation.

Have a good one,

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