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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome to California

So Shaunnah and I have been in Cali for about 2 weeks and we've noticed a trend... "Welcome to California."  The problem is it's not the greeting we usually get when we tell "the locals" we're newbies.  It's been the response we get when we are jaw-droppingly surprised at the answer to our questions.  Here are three short stories to help you understand.

1.  The Bike Ride
We were in a bike shop and I asked the bike shop guy if they organized any group rides.  He chuckled (another common theme in this series) and said no.  His reasoning was that the bike shop is not allowed to organize rides because they would then be held liable if someone was hurt during the rides.  That's right, the state of California would allow them to be sued.

2.  Can You Toast My Bagel
Getting some b-fast at a coffee shop with Shaunnah and she orders a bagel and then asked if it can be toasted.  The answer was "Sorry, no.  We don't have the permit to heat food."  The guy actually looked embarrassed when he said it, hilarious.

3.  Recycling Fee, Up-front
We purchased a computer yesterday and were getting the bill breakdown from the salesman.  "This is the cost of the computer, protection plan and tax..." Then I interrupted him when he skipped over and $8 charge and said, "What's the eight bucks for?"  "Oh, that's the recycling fee for your computer.  When you're ready to turn this one in and buy a new one you don't have to pay for it then!"  He tried to justify it with a little excitement and then I asked, "If we move out of state before we recycle the computer, can I get my $8 back?"  SILENCE!

The weather here is amazing and so far our experience has been equally amazing.  I really don't see that changing anytime soon.  The rules, however, are starting to get a little annoying, haha.

Have a great one.  Once we get settled in I'll post a few pics from the trip on the blog!

- Jimmy

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