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Monday, September 26, 2011

Eating as a Lighweight: Fall Style

My last lightweight feasting blog was tailored to race time.  Well now it’s training time.  Our schedule went from the low mileage, weigh in preparing, high intensity short piece to a long distance, lower intensity, aerobic base training plan.  This means a few things for lightweights.  1)  We need more calories.  2) We EAT A LOT MORE CALORIES 3) These calories are not necessarily always the best calories. 

The key to this whole new diet is to not go completely off the deep end.  It is enticing to eat ice cream and cupcakes for every meal, but that’s not how we’re doing it.  Basically, we just eat more.   I still eat vegetables, beans and lean meats, but on the happy end of that, we add a few desserts in to the mix.  After capping off a hard week of work with a Saturday erg slaughter, we tend to direct our attention to milkshakes and burgers. 

Eating now is definitely a little more fun and you can tell by the mood of the guys at meals.  Prior to racing we are in and out of meals faster than a bolt of lightning.  Now, we have fellowship.  Meals could last hours, just sitting and talking, while eating of course. 

You can see the change in our faces as well.  The cheek bones are not as defined and there may be an extra layer of energy around the waist these days (that's what we call it).  The funny thing is it’s always harder to take it off than put it on…  Oh well. 

Myself and the other USA lightweights are enjoying our first few days back together, working hard towards the goal and eating merrily.  I hope you are all doing the same.

Have a good one
- Jimmy

P.S.  Stay tuned for some OKC favorites from the team.  Yesterday we hit up the OK State Fair.  The corndogs were to die for. 

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