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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Charles Weekend

I love racing at the Head of the Charles.  The first time I did it I was at The Gunnery School.  I had only raced 2 or 3 head races prior to it since I only rowed in the spring at Mathews.  I was too naive to realize how big this regatta actually was.  Ever since then I thought it was great and the greatness has magnified in my mind every year since.

My buddy Matt Muffelman from Mathews racing in the
Dartmouth Alumni boat.  
In the summer of 2010 I wrote a blog about friendship and rowing, The Friends Along the Way, for Shivani at shivspix.  I don't think any other regatta gives me the chance to catch up with EVERYONE than HOCR.  When you come to the Charles and walk around the finish line area or anywhere along the 3+ mile course you are bound to run in to old friends.  Yesterday alone, I saw friends from Mathews High School, The Gunnery School, Navy and Pocock Rowing Center in Seattle.  I haven't seen many of them for years, but HOCR delivers.  I also got to have dinner with one of my cousins who is going to law school at BC, bonus.

So, although I'm really glad and super excited to race this afternoon, it's been just as thrilling to catch up with old friends.  I wish you all the best.

- Jimmy  

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