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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October on the Charles

It’s that time of year again, my favorite time of year…  Head Race Season!  I don’t like it because I like head racing more than sprint racing. That would be ridiculous.  There is nothing better in racing than locking into the blocks with 5 other boats and seeing the green light.  However, head racing just so happens to occur during the fall, when the weather and scenery are awesome.  Racing when it’s 60 degrees out is amazing.  Although, sometimes it’s 60 degrees at NSRs, but it’s also 7 am, raining and we had to weigh in at 5 am, BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 

I’ll be racing at the Head of the Charles in Boston this weekend.  I and 8 other guys training in Oklahoma City are going to try to tear it up down the course.  I’m sitting bow and am super excited about it.  My main responsibility will be to set the boat so the others can do the real work AND I get to yell at all of the crews we pass (hopefully)!  That’s going to be fun. 

Over the years I've learned not to take head racing results too seriously.  There are too many outside variables that can affect results.  i.e. crashes, bad steering, variable winds, hitting buoys.  So I try to go out and just have a lot of fun and it's always easiest to do that on the Charles with thousands of people screaming for 3 miles!

If you are in the Boston area come by and watch the racing.  We go down around 4:30 on Sunday.  

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