My favorite holiday is right around the corner, Thanksgiving. It is the one holiday that I am not affected by marketing. No presents, cards, flowers, candies, just cooking and fellowship. I enjoy the aromas, sitting around an watching football and I do not participate in the black Friday hoop-lah, so it is a relatively stress free holiday. The most wonderful part about Thanksgiving is trying to eat like a champion.
Unfortunately, I will not be home with Shaunnah for this Thanksgiving, booooooooooooooooooooo. Despite five years in the military and four deployments between the two of us, this will be the first Thanksgiving we spend apart as husband and wife. I'm going to stay in Oklahoma City. However, that will not affect the status of my belly around 6 pm on Thursday. Some of the guys I train with are going to stay here as well and we are preparing a mighty feast.
The famous casserole is on the right side of the table in the
dish. This is in Mom's kitchen. |
I am going to help with the Turkey (brine is the way to go) and make what has become a Thanksgiving staple in my life since I married Shaunnah, sweet potato casserole. Everyone has their thing when it comes to traditional dinners. My Mom makes the best stuffing you've ever tasted. The key, I believe is the sausage. Shaunnah's specialty is a sweet potato casserole. It does not have marshmallow... oh no. It has something much better; a thick layer of butter, brown sugar, sugar, pecans and other goodness baked on top of a buttery, velvety layer of sweet potatoes. I don't really have a specialty. I just ride the coat tails of the women in my life, haha.
Again, I wish I were home, but I am definitely glad that I can bring some of my home to OKC and share it with my teammates. I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
- Jimmy
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